Saturday, January 24, 2009


........Wishing You and Your Loved ones, Happy and Safe Republic Day..........



Configuring Yahoo! Messenger for Maximum Boot Protection

Configuring Yahoo! Messenger for Maximum Boot Protection
(Here's an update, since I've learned a few things recently. This tutorial contains information specific to 6.0, but most of it will apply to newer versions as well.)

(Created while using 6.0, 1750)

Most people don't realize that the preferences menu in Yahoo! Messenger can be configured to prevent or slow the effects of most common boot exploits, especially PM bombs and mass invitations. This tutorial will explain in detail how to configure your Yahoo! Messenger to be as boot-proof as possible. It will also explain how to disable some of the more annoying and generally useless features included in your Messenger setup.

How can I configure my Yahoo Messenger to stave off booters and get rid of annoying options?

The default configuration that is in place when you first open your Yahoo messenger is riddled with openings and vulnerabilities that are pitifully easy to exploit with even the simplest of booting programs. Different builds of Messenger might use slightly different configuration and preference menus, but the basic idea is the same. Follow my outline and see what you can do. Adjust the remaining options to fit your personal preferences.

When you sign into Yahoo Messenger, click on Messenger in the upper left-hand corner.

Click the Preferences tab.

Click General and uncheck the Show Yahoo! Insider option. It's an annoyance.

Click Alerts and Sounds and disable alert sounds. At the very least, edit them so that buzzes and bells don't ring in your ears every time a pm pops up. It distracts me, so I turn them off completely. Check the box marked Alert me by showing a box at the bottom right of the screen. This way you see an alert, but you don't get that annoying noise.

Click the Appearance tab. Click the Change Fonts and Colors tab on the right-hand side, and set the font to whatever your favorite may be. That way you are automatically using your favorite font whenever you enter a chat room or pm box. (This will also help to reduce the lag from webdings and other non-standard fonts in a PM bomb, since it will not display the webdings, but will instea display whatever font you've chosen as your own.)

Click on the Chat tab next. Put a check in the Ignore Chat Invitations box. This will stop some invite bombs.

If you want to force your Yahoo to connect through the YMSG HTTP protocol, which is usuallymore difficult to boot than YMSG, simply click on the Connection tab next and switch to Firewall With No Proxies. Note: This will cause a large percentage of packets to be dropped, and you won't have reliable access to features such as invitations and buddy requests.

(Note: At times this seems to be partially patched, as it will not allow me into a chat room. So I normally use the default preferences, or switch to No Network Detection.) But lately I've heard rumors that this protocol once again allows users to regularly enter chat rooms - so it's up to each user to decide what's best.

(Note: I have, in the past, included a guide to using the messenger text filter in this section, but I really don't see the need for it anymore, as most boots do not come from the chat room - but from PM. If I see where it could become useful again, I'll add the filter information back in.)

Click Content Tabs next and take off all the unnecessary junk that you don't really need to see anyway.

Click the File Transfer tab next. Click Never accept files from anyone, and Never allow others to download files from me. That will stop the file request booters. Set the port to 0 while you're there.

Click the Ignore List tab next. Click the dot next to Ignore anyone who is not on my Messenger list. This will stop pm bombs from reaching you. (Note: I have been booted by a PM bomb with PMs turned off, but I was on a 28k modem, and the person was booting me from a T1 connection. I was simply flooded off the server. If connection speeds are more evenly matched, you'll be much harder to hit.)

Click the Messages tab. Click the dot next to Minimize the message window to the task bar, then Show the messages in a single window. Disable IM Environments and audibles by removing the check mark in the box beside them. This adds still more protection against popular boots.

Click the Privacy tab next. Check the Always Sign in as Invisible option. Uncheck the rest of the boxes--every one of them. This will help you maintain your privacy while online.

Go down to Webcam next. Check Always allow the following people to view my webcam, then place a check in the box marked Ignore other view requests.

Cloaking Your ID Without Y!Tunnel - Once you enter a chat room, go to the Messenger screen and click Messenger > My Profiles. Set the profile you're using in chat as Inactive. This will tell the Yahoo! servers to drop a large percentage of the packets that come your way, helping to prevent game invites, conference bombs, etc from coming through. It basically dumbs your YMSG session down to a Chat02 session, for all practical purposes. The only packets you'll see are PMs.

Make sure you click apply, then click ok and you're done

Yahvox voice domination tool for unbootable Yhook chat client with best settings.

YHook chat client is another 3rd Party Chat Client of Yahoo Messenger. Some of the user of Y!Hook said that this chat client is IE and Java based yahoo 3rd Party Chat client with many good features. Unfortunately, We do not have much experience in using YHook chat client. YHook words may derive from the abbreviation of Yahoo Hook or Yahoo Messenger Hook.
Remember for the datalock and Cmode to work you need to Login with a profile id not your login id .
For Login with bets
Start Yhook up
Put profile id in and password
Tick the HTTP/1.1
Tick Use IExplore for Java
Tick External Java Resources
Put room name in box and join room
The other tick box for Use YCiplugin is a good client but is not Java , its good for smiles and other options in the room .
Cmode Login ->Right click on the yhook icon down by your windows clock and you will see another list .
In that list go to Client settings and put any other id in there and password and click SET .
Your Cmode id is ready to use in the room ..
Options->Now double click on the icon by your windows clock again and a box will pop up with all your options for Yhook .
Tick auto Datalock , display boot warning ,show client info with chatters tex and what ever others you want on that page.
Voice settings ->Your boxes will be ticked already for Voice Domination and Voice lag Protection->Also tick Ignore invalid audio Packets ,, thats for programs like Donky punch .
Also tick Display Voice user info on join .
All you need to do in there is YMSG version drop down box ,,Put that on 102 or 101 for faster connection results ->Socks settings are for if you are IP banned ..
After all that when you in a chat room the best thing to do is .
Enter room and type in the chat box /datalock
To get Cmode type /cmode and a captcha code will apear ,type in the captcha code and then your set Cmode bot will enter the room ..
Now with java and datalock with cmode you will be untouchable .. With very strong Voice Domination ..
new yhook v526

Websites To Detect The Invisible Person in Yahoo Messenger

Does any one cheating you on yahoo messenger , keeping you in stealth mode so whenever they come online they appears to be offline or invisible in your messenger. Now no more hide and seek , just read the below post and you can detect the invisible person is online in yahoo messenger or not and plus you can grab the display pic of yahoo profile.

There are few conventional methods to detect invisible person on yahoo messenger. Doodle and voice conference methods are very common to find invisible person, but they may or may not work.
Alternate methods are Yahoo Messenger invisible detectors,checkers and scanners. Here’s a list of sites that allows you to find invisible yahoo messenger user

Detect Invisible Person on Yahoo Messenger

1-Y Detector
4- Invisible scanner
6-yahoo status

You can use any of them and try to detect invisible person on your YIM. I’ve checked them personally with yahoo ids and all are working just perfect.

Note: Don’t install any third party applications to find invisible user. They may contain vulnerable spywares